10-second recap: There are many stressful jobs in the world.CITIBIN founder and CEO Liz Picarazzi thinks she knows one of them. Spoiler alert: After 10 years in the trash business, Picarazzi thinks building managers have a lot to deal with on a daily basis!
If work was easy, they’d call it fun. And while some careers are a lot of fun (LEGO designer! Brewmaster!), some jobs definitely can feel more stressful than others. Proving that point, earlier this year U.S. News and World Report shared a list of the 20 most stressful jobs. There were some doozies on the list.
Along with the expected stressful careers like doctors or lawyers, some of the most stressful jobs in America include construction workers and office compliance officers. And while we agree that every career path brings with it some stress, CITIBIN founder and CEO Liz Picarazzi is extremely empathetic to property managers and building managers in New York. “After ten years of working in the trash industry I can tell you that without a doubt, property managers can face a lot of stress on a daily basis,” Picarazzi said. Here’s why.
Along with overseeing and managing daily operations on one or more properties, a property manager has to deal with tenants, residents, and owners when something goes wrong. In New York City, that can mean anything from burned-out lightbulbs to noisy neighbors. And rats. Lots and lots of rats. And smelly garbage which leads to rats. Lots and lots of smelly garbage.
Now imagine that every single time there’s a rat sighting in a multi-unit dwelling in NYC, the property manager hears a complaint about it. It’s inevitable, but it sure isn’t pleasant.
“I’ve been working very closely with property managers for over a decade to help them figure out attractive and rat-proof solutions for their trash problems,” Picarazzi said. “I can’t begin to tell you just how many times I’ve seen them answer the phone for a trash complaint. Or a rat complaint. Or a rat in the trash complaint.” Picarazzi expressed sympathy for property managers who constantly receive complaints and requests from residents – especially when it comes to keeping their buildings smell-free and rat-proof.
“As a property manager, you field a huge array of requests,” Picarazzi said. And since actioning all the issues has to be stressful, we try to make things easier for building managers.
Trying to convince your building manager to install a CITIBIN solution for your multi-resident building or restaurant? We createda guide to help you convince almost anyone CITIBIN is the perfect solution for your home or building.
CITIBIN wants to help building managers rat-proof their properties. We also have two great options for packages and decorative planters you can add to your customized modular CITIBIN setup. We’d love to work with you to create a customized Citibin trash or mail configuration customized to your requirements.
Call us at 347.549.4121
Email us at info@citibin.com